School Fees
Upon the offer of a place a payment of $150 per child or $250 per family is required to confirm your acceptance. This deposit will appear as a credit on the family’s first school fee invoice or will be forfeited if an offered place is not taken. The deposit should be paid with 7 days of the placement offer being made.
The Small School fees in 2024 are $3,400 per year ($850 per term) and are set at each Annual General Meeting of the School Board. Fees may increase at a minimum of the rate of the Education CPI per annum.
Fees include all educational materials, meals and snacks and most excursions. Full or partial contribution to school camps will be required.
School Fees are due before the commencement of each term unless
an arrangement has been made for a payment plan with the School Principal.
A pro-rata charge is calculated for students who enrol after a term has commenced. Should a student withdraw from the school, term fees paid are not refundable.
Our School Fees Policy does not include discounts for two children enrolled from a single family or for personal financial hardship. However, a discount will be considered for the third child enrolled from a single family.
All families should discuss their individual circumstances with the School Principal where they’re unable to meet the fee requirements outlined here.
Payment details are contained in our School Fees Policy.